Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology
CMALT is the professional accreditation scheme developed by ALT (the Association for Learning Technology) for anyone whose work involves learning technology. The scheme enables candidates to
Accreditation is achieved by successful submission of a reflective, online portfolio, which evidences skills and experience in learning technology across four core areas and a specialist area. Since 2015, nearly 200 staff members from across the BLE partners have set off on their CMALT voyage - many have now achieved their CMALT accreditation. Previous cohorts have comprised academics, librarians, learning technologists, careers advisers and professional support staff who all have a strong interest in learning technology.
The BLE Cohort typically runs from the start of the calendar year, but colleagues can join whenever they like. If you work at one of the BLE partner institutions and would like to find out more, please submit your details on our Contact Form.
- have their experience and capabilities certified by peers;
- demonstrate that they are taking a committed and serious approach to their professional development.
Accreditation is achieved by successful submission of a reflective, online portfolio, which evidences skills and experience in learning technology across four core areas and a specialist area. Since 2015, nearly 200 staff members from across the BLE partners have set off on their CMALT voyage - many have now achieved their CMALT accreditation. Previous cohorts have comprised academics, librarians, learning technologists, careers advisers and professional support staff who all have a strong interest in learning technology.
The BLE Cohort typically runs from the start of the calendar year, but colleagues can join whenever they like. If you work at one of the BLE partner institutions and would like to find out more, please submit your details on our Contact Form.
The BLE is an important organisational member of the Association, actively engaging with the development of leading professional practice and recognition on a national scale. Particular examples of this is the achievements of the CMALT cohorts, which have established a blueprint which other organisations have successfully adopted.
Dr Maren Deepwell , Chief Executive, Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
Here's what some of our CMALT holders say:

“Gaining my CMALT enabled me to get my use of learning technology validated and provided me with the opportunity to reflect on my teaching practice and how I support/learn from others. I would encourage others to do it. CMALT introduced me to a community of like-minded practitioners where sharing, learning, support and experimentation can take place. Professionally it has provided me with the confidence to talk about learning technology where I work and to promote and support good practice.”
Elizabeth Charles, Assistant Director of Library Services, Birkbeck
Elizabeth Charles, Assistant Director of Library Services, Birkbeck

"Achieving my CMALT accreditation has set me on a journey of on-going learning and reflecting on my skills in the area of Learning Technologies. Moreover, coming from an administrator’s background, I have gained more confidence in my learning technology skills, and recognition for my work amongst peers. I value being part of a community that generously shares knowledge and experience. I have also been given the opportunity to contribute back to the community by becoming a mentor and assessor for CMALT. I can highly recommend the CMALT journey!"
Carol Worsfold, Learning Technologist, UCL
Carol Worsfold, Learning Technologist, UCL

The big take-away for me in undertaking CMALT accreditation was the reflection aspect to my portfolio. I have now incorporated this reflective learning process into my teaching, which has had a positive impact on my students. It has also helped me reflect on the technology vs pedagogy debate and whilst there is a continuing argument to be had here, the technology I have embraced has provided my students with a richer, more diverse, more satisfying and more accessible learning environment. I found the whole process very rewarding and would whole-heartedly encourage anyone thinking of the CMALT qualification to engage with a structured approach such as organized by the BLE. This kept me on-track and helped me discuss ideas and problems with my cohort."
Steve Hirons, Researcher and Lecturer in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck
Steve Hirons, Researcher and Lecturer in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck

"The CMALT accreditation process presented me with an opportunity to sift through all the experience I’ve gained over my career to date and examine the effect it has had on my thinking and practice regarding learning technology use today. I found that this reflective process gave me the space to formulate future goals and make plans to achieve them. In addition, whilst contending with daily fire-fighting, I‘ve often lost sight of ‘The Big Picture’, the overarching reason for doing the job I do. Namely, to improve the teaching and learning experiences of the key stakeholders: learners and teachers. This loss has made me feel broadly ineffectual and defeated at times. But, the ‘pause for thought’ to analyse what I do, how and why, boosted my job satisfaction, as well as my on-going commitment to look for strategic and creative ways to make a difference to the learning landscape."
Karen Shackleford-Cesare, Digital Education Advisor, UCL
Karen Shackleford-Cesare, Digital Education Advisor, UCL